We welcome you to join TAS family. Please fill following membership form and submit your details. A member of the committee will contact you after receiving the application.



Benefits of Membership:

1) Membership is open to all Telugu people who
  • are of at least 18 years of age or above, and
  • have an interest in the furtherance of the objectives of TAS, and
  •  have paid the annual subscription as laid down from time to time by Executive Committee
2) The annual subscription shall entitle the member           and the member’s family to participate in any or all       the activities of the TAS.

3) Membership fee shall be collected individually or
    as a family membership per household. OAPs over      the ages of 60 years of age will be eligible for a            reduced rate of membership.

4) Members without annual subscription can pay the         amount decided by the committee to participate in       the events and cultural activities.

5) To submit all applications for membership to the           Executive Committee which shall have the right to       refuse or terminate membership provided that they
     have the right to be heard before his/her                       membership is terminated.

6) Executive committee is responsible to keep                   register of members and to decide on the                     membership fees.

7) Issue a membership receipt and/or card on                  payment of nominal membership
    fee per annum

8) All members will have reasonable access to the full       Executive Committee.

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